Who we are

My husband and I have lived in Sheridan, Wyoming since 1996.

I have been a licensed nail tech for over 30 years and a certified health and wellness coach for 10 years.

I have always loved alternative health and natural remedies because they are just as essential the medical industry. Many are seeking answers beyond pills or surgery.

I have spent many years learning and researching alternative health and holistic wellness. My own health issues lead me down many roads seeking the root cause of my health issues. I struggled with inflammation, exhaustion, unexplained weight gain, hormone imbalance and water retention just to name a few. I spent endless amounts of time and money trying to find answers with little to no luck and worsening symptoms.

Finally I found some answers with a functional medicine practitioner, but I was still seeking relief without needing to take tons of supplements.

Four years ago I started researching frequency therapy, Medbeds and the benefits of grounding. Considering the incredible science backing the technology, I've felt led for years to open a wellness center for our Wyoming community.

I found a company with great integrity and alternative health innovation that had created a Tesla Medbed! So I flew to Florida to experience the Tesla Medbed for myself to see if it was worth the investment for our Sheridan community. First I had a Bio Scan to discover my personal weak cells then went into the Tesla Medbed for 60 minutes. The next morning the swelling was nearly gone in my abdomen, the brain fog had lifted and I had more energy than I had had in years! I knew right then it was time to bring this amazing technology to Sheridan!

This is what led to opening Wild Horse Wellness.

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